Several utility functions for working with json_class and json_vec objects are provided. This includes has_fields() for checking whether certain fields are available in an object, get_field() to extract values from an object that correspond to a field with a certain name, has_subclass() for testing that an object is of a certain class and get_subclass() to extract this class. Finally, NULL fields can be recursively removed using remove_null(). More information is available in the details section.

# S3 method for json_class
has_fields(x, fields, ...)

# S3 method for json_class
get_field(x, field, ...)

# S3 method for json_class
has_subclass(x, class, ...)

# S3 method for json_class

has_fields(x, fields, ...)

# S3 method for default
has_fields(x, ...)

get_field(x, field, ...)

has_subclass(x, class, ...)

# S3 method for default
has_subclass(x, ...)


# S3 method for list
get_subclass(x, ...)


# S3 method for json_vec
has_fields(x, fields, ...)

# S3 method for json_vec
get_field(x, field, ...)

# S3 method for json_vec
has_subclass(x, class, ...)

# S3 method for json_vec
get_subclass(x, ...)



Object to test.


Character vector of nonzero length, holding the field names for which to check.


Generic compatibility.


Character vector of length 1, holding the field name to extract.


Character vector of nonzero length, holding the class names to test for.


Depending on whether a single or a set of multiple objects is represented, the S3 classes json_class or json_vec are applied respectively.


The generic function has_fields() tests whether a single json_class object contains all of the specified fields or whether each json_class object contained in a json_vec object passes this test. If dispatch occurs on an object that is neither of class json_class, nor of class json_vec, has_fields() returns FALSE. A single field can be extracted from a json_class or a json_vec object, using get_field(). Iteration for json_vec objects happens via base::sapply() so that when possible the result is simplified.

In order to test whether a json_class or a json_vec object is of a certain sub-class (can also be a vector of sub-classes), the generic function has_subclass() can be used. Dispatch on objects that do not inherit from either json_class or json_vec will return FALSE. The sub-class of a json_class or a json_vec object can be determined, using get_subclass. This will also work if dispatched on a list of objects if that list object passes has_common_subclass().

The function remove_null() recursively removes all NULL fields from a nested list structure while preserving json_class and json_vec class attributes. This can be useful when fetching an object form openBIS and subsequently using this object for a further query: whenever the object returned by the first API call contains NULL fields, it is safer to remove all of them, as in some cases this might cause an error in the following API requests.

See also

Other json object handling functions: json_class, json_vec, print.json_class


obj_1 <- json_class(a = 1, b = 2, class = "foo") obj_2 <- json_class(a = 2, b = 4, class = "foo") obj_3 <- json_class(a = 3, c = 6, class = "foo") # one or more fields can be tested has_fields(obj_1, "a")
#> [1] TRUE
has_fields(obj_1, c("a", "b"))
#> [1] TRUE
# dispatch on json_vec objects is possible as well has_fields(c(obj_1, obj_2), "a")
#> [1] TRUE
has_fields(c(obj_1, obj_2), "b")
#> [1] TRUE
has_fields(c(obj_1, obj_3), "b")
#> [1] FALSE
has_fields(c(obj_1, obj_3), c("a", "b"))
#> [1] FALSE
# other types do not pass the test has_fields(list(obj_1, obj_3), "a")
#> [1] FALSE
get_field(obj_1, "a")
#> [1] 1
get_field(c(obj_1, obj_3), "a")
#> [1] 1 3
if (FALSE) { # the requested field must be available in every instance get_field(c(obj_1, obj_3), "b") # only a single field may be requested get_field(c(obj_1, obj_2), c("a", "b")) } obj_4 <- json_class(a = 4, c = 8, class = "bar") # dispatch on json_class has_subclass(obj_1, "foo")
#> [1] TRUE
# dispatch on json_vec has_subclass(c(obj_1, obj_2), "foo")
#> [1] TRUE
# dispatch on other object types always returns FALSE has_subclass(list(obj_1, obj_2), "foo")
#> [1] FALSE
# dispatch on json_class get_subclass(obj_1)
#> [1] "foo"
# dispatch on json_vec get_subclass(c(obj_1, obj_2))
#> [1] "foo"
# dispatch on list is possible if the list passes has_common_subclass() get_subclass(list(obj_1, obj_2))
#> [1] "foo"
if (FALSE) { get_subclass(list(obj_1, obj_4)) } tmp <- json_class(a = json_class(b = "c", d = NULL, class = "foo"), e = json_class(f = "g", class = "bar"), h = NULL, class = "foobar") print(tmp, 2)
#> █─foobar #> ├─a = █─foo #> │ ├─b = c #> │ └─d = #> ├─e = █─bar #> │ └─f = g #> └─h =
print(remove_null(tmp), 2)
#> █─foobar #> ├─a = █─foo #> │ └─b = c #> └─e = █─bar #> └─f = g