Login tokens for openBIS API calls can be created using login_openbis(). If the auto_disconnect option is enabled, the user is automatically logged out using logout_openbis() upon garbage collection of the token. The validity of a token can be checked using is_token_valid() and a login token can be manually destroyed by calling logout_openbis() on the token.

login_openbis(user = "rdgr2014", pwd = "IXPubReview",
  host_url = "https://infectx.biozentrum.unibas.ch",
  auto_disconnect = TRUE, ...)

logout_openbis(token, ...)

is_token_valid(token, ...)


user, pwd

Login credentials for an openBIS instance.


Host url.


Logical switch for automatically closing the connection upon garbage collection of the token.


Further arguments are forwarded to make_request().


Login token as created by login_openbis().


A login token as returned by login_openbis() is a character vector and logout_openbis() returns NULL invisibly while is_token_valid() returns a logical flag.


See also

Other utility functions: api_url, make_requests


# \donttest{ # create a login token tok <- login_openbis() # check token is_token_valid(tok)
#> [1] TRUE
# destroy token logout_openbis(tok) # token is no longer valid is_token_valid(tok)
#> [1] FALSE
# }