The helper function api_url() is used to create urls to InfectX openBIS API endpoints and docs_link() generates latex links to documentation pages. Both functions support the following endpoints which are abbreviated as

api_url(api_endpoint = c("gis", "gics", "qas", "wis", "dsrg", "sas",
  "dsrs"), host_url = "",
  full_url = NULL, ...)

docs_link(api_endpoint = c("gis", "gics", "qas", "wis", "dsrg", "sas",
  "dsrs"), method_name = NULL, version = "13.04.0")



Abbreviated name of the API section (e.g. gis for IGeneralInformationService).


Host url.


Instead of constructing the API endpoint url, a string can be passed which will be returned again.


Further arguments are ignored.


Name of the method for which the link is created.


OpenBIS version number.


A character vector of length 1.


If for some reason an url is desired from api_url() that cannot be constructed by pasting host_url and one of the hard-coded API endpoints together, this can be passed as full_url, which will simply be returned.

See also

Other utility functions: login_openbis, make_requests


# default endpoint is the GeneralInformationService interface api_url()
#> [1] ""
# base url can be customized api_url(host_url = "")
#> [1] ""
# ScreeningApiServer interface endpoint api_url("sas")
#> [1] ""
# manual url api_url(full_url = "")
#> [1] ""
# link to GeneralInformationService interface docs docs_link()
#> [1] "\\href{}{IGeneralInformationService}"
# add a method name (only to the link text) docs_link(method_name = "foo_bar")
#> [1] "\\href{}{IGeneralInformationService:foo_bar}"
# link to ScreeningApiServer interface docs docs_link("sas")
#> [1] "\\href{}{IScreeningApiServer}"
# link to most recent version of docs docs_link("sas", version = "16.05.6")
#> [1] "\\href{}{IScreeningApiServer}"