A project forms one of the most basic entities in the organizational hierarchy of openBIS. Each project consists of one or several experiments and one or more projects are contained in each space, which is the topmost structure used for grouping experiments. For InfectX, each project corresponds to a separate pathogen. All registered projects visible to the current user can be listed by calling the function list_projects().

list_projects(token, ...)



Login token as created by login_openbis().


Further arguments will be passed to make_requests().


Depending on the number of resulting objects, either a json_class (single object) or a json_vec (multiple objects), of sub-type Project is returned.


See also


# \donttest{ tok <- login_openbis() proj <- list_projects(tok) length(proj)
#> [1] 12
get_field(proj, "code")
logout_openbis(tok) # }