The openBIS data repository hosted by InfectX contains high throughput screening data from several large-scale gene knockdown experiments. The screens currently publicly available are RNA interference based, use kinome-wide libraries from multiple vendors and were carried out on HeLa cells, in presence of several viral and bacterial pathogens. Further genome-wide screens have been carried out and their public release is forthcoming. For more information, please refer to the README or the Introduction vignette.


The provided functionality is not restricted to InfectX data, but applies to the v1 JSON-RPC based openBIS API in general. Some parts of the API, geared more towards data curation are currently not supported. For more information on what API functions are available, have a look at the openBIS API vignette. The basic infrastructure for creating and executing a request, as well as processing the response, is exposed and missing functionality can easily be added.

Type information of JSON objects returned from the API is preserved as S3 class attribute and all retrieved JSON objects additionally inherit from the S3 class json_class. As such, a foobar object retrieved from openBIS, will have two class attributes: foobar and json_class. Sets of json_class objects that are of the same sub-type can be represented as json_vec objects of that sub-type. Several foobar objects therefore can be combined into a list structure with S3 classes foobar and json_vec, where every entry in turn is an S3 object with types foobar and json_class.

examp <- json_vec(
  json_class(a = "foo", class = "foobar"),
  json_class(a = "bar", class = "foobar")

#> List of 2
#>  $ :List of 1
#>   ..$ a: chr "foo"
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "foobar" "json_class"
#>  $ :List of 1
#>   ..$ a: chr "bar"
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "foobar" "json_class"
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "foobar" "json_vec"

Such an approach was chosen in order to not only have available generic function dispatch on individual json_class objects, but also on sets (or vectors) of json_class objects. For more information on working with json_class and json_vec objects refer to the section on JSON objects and JSON object vignette.

This documentation makes a distinction between objects in openBIS that exist mainly for the purpose of organizing/grouping data and objects that represent actual data resources. The most basic object in the organizational hierarchy is that of a Project. Several Experiment objects may be associated with a Project and Sample objects live in experiments. Given the HTS-based context of InfectX data, samples typically represent microtiter plates or individual plate wells. Material objects describe agents applied to samples. Many of the InfectX screens are RNA interference- based and therefore materials may be for example siRNA oligos or targeted genes. Finally, samples are associated with DataSet objects that stand for experimental measurements or data derived thereof.

Any type of data resource available in openBIS can be accessed as files belonging to data sets. Due to the image-based nature of InfectX screens, raw experimental data comes in the form of fluorescence microscopy imagery which consequently constitutes the most basic form of data resource available. It is therefore no surprise that image data receives special treatment, allowing for more fine grained access and functionality that helps with finding specific sub-sets of images. A further data resource that comes with features similar to those of image data is termed feature vector data sets. This is mostly tabular data with a single value corresponding to an imaging site. This is typically used for image acquisition meta data, summarized image analysis or quality control results.

General comments

A login token is required for any type of API call. Passing valid login credentials to login_openbis() will return a string that can subsequently be used for making API requests. Login tokens are invalidated by calling logout_openbis() which is performed automatically upon garbage collection of login tokens returned by login_openbis() with the auto_disconnect switch set to TRUE (default). Validity of a login token can be checked with is_token_valid().

All API requests are constructed by make_requests() (or for single requests by the wrapper function make_request()), which helps with putting together JSON-RPC requests and parses the returned JSON objects by calling process_json(). Processing of JSON involves generation of json_class and json_vec objects using @type information, as well as resolution of @id references. While obviously a feature for reducing data transfer overhead, this type of data deduplication has the down-side of yielding objects that are no longer self-contained. If for example plate wells are listed and each well contains an object referencing the associated plate, only a single instance of this plate object will be retrieved as part of the first well object and all subsequent well objects only contain a reference to this plate object. Sub-setting this list of wells however might yield well objects with broken references. To circumvent such issues, all references are resolved by a call to resolve_references(), initiated by process_json().

As a side note: while created for and mainly tested with InfectX data, all API methods can be used for accessing other openBIS instances as well. Functions that issue API calls can all accept a host_url argument which is forwarded to api_url() in make_requests() in order to create API endpoint urls. Another publicly available openBIS instance is the demo offered by the openBIS development team. It can be accessed with both user name and password test_observer both via a browser or by passing as host_url to methods which initiate API calls.

After being assembled by make_requests(), requests are executed by do_requests_serial() or do_requests_parallel(), depending on whether several API calls are constructed at the same time. The argument n_con controls the degree of parallelism and if set to 1, forces serial execution even in cases where several requests are being issued. Failed requests can be automatically repeated to provide additional stability by setting the n_try argument to a value larger than 1 (default is 2). For more information on how to add further functionality using make_requests() and do_requests_serial()/do_requests_parallel(), refer to the openBIS API vignette.

JSON object handling

Object structures as returned by openBIS can be instantiated using the creator json_class(). This function takes an arbitrary set of key-value pairs, followed by a class name and returns a list-based json_class object. Existing list-based objects may be coerced to json_class using as_json_class() where @type list entries are taken to be class types. The inverse is achieved by calling rm_json_class() on a json_class object or by calling as_list() and passing the keep_asis argument as FALSE. json_class objects can be validated with is_json_class() which is recursively called on any object inheriting from json_class in check_json_class().

Similarly to json_class objects, a constructor for json_vec objects is provided in the form of json_vec() and existing structures can be coerced to json_vec by as_json_vec(). The validator function is_json_vec() tests whether an object is a properly formed json_vec object and the utility function has_common_subclass() tests whether the passed list structure consists of json_class objects of the same sub-type. The inverse of applying as_json_vec() to a list structure is achieved by passing a json_vec object to as_list().

Several utility functions are provided that facilitate handling of json_class and json_vec objects. has_fields() tests whether certain named entries are present in a json_class object or in each member of a json_vec. In order to extract the content of a field, get_field() can be applied to json_class and json_vec objects. Analogously, has_subclass() and get_subclass() test for and extract the original JSON object type from json_class and json_vec objects. Finally, remove_null() recursively removes empty fields (fields containing NULL) from json_class and json_vec objects.

In addition to the mentioned utility functions, several base R generic functions have json_class and json_vec specific methods implemented. Combining several json_class objects using base::c() yields a json_vec object, as does repeating objects using base::rep(). The same functions can be applied to json_vec objects but this only checks for agreement in sub-type. Custom sum-setting is provided as well, in order to retain class attributes and replacement functions acting on json_vec objects make sure that sub-types remain compatible. Recursive printing of both json_class and json_vec objects is possible by calling base::print(). Recursion depth, as well as printing length and width can be controlled via arguments, as can fancy printing (colors and UTF box characters for visualizing tree structures).

Listing and searching for objects

OpenBIS projects can be listed by calling list_projects() and experiments are enumerated with list_experiments(). Two objects types are used for representing experiments: Experiment and ExperimentIdentifier. as_experiment_id() converts a set of Experiment objects to ExperimentIdentifier (requires no API call) and the inverse is possible by passing a set of ExperimentIdentifier objects to list_experiments() (does require an API call). All available experiments can be listed as ExperimentIdentifier objects using list_experiment_ids() and all experiments for a set of projects are enumerated by passing Project objects to list_experiments(). Experiments have a type and all realized types can be listed with list_experiment_types().

Experiments consist of samples which can be listed by passing a set of Experiment or ExperimentIdentifier objects to list_samples(). Samples too have a type and all types are retrieved by calling list_sample_types(). Additional object types that are used to represent samples are plate and well objects, including Plate, PlateIdentifier, PlateMetadata, WellIdentifier and WellMetadata, all of which can be converted to Sample objects by calling list_samples(). Plate objects can be listed using list_plates(), which can either return all available plate objects or plates for a given set of experiments (passed as Experiment or ExperimentIdentifier objects). Plate meta data, which also contains associated well meta data is retrieved by list_plate_metadata() which can act on plate objects (Plate, PlateIdentifier or Sample). Wells of a plate are listed with list_wells() which too may be dispatched on plate objects. Wells associated with a material object can be enumerated by passing a set of MaterialScreening, MaterialIdentifierScreening, MaterialGeneric or MaterialIdentifierGeneric to list_wells().

Data set objects represent the most diverse group of data-organizational structures. Possible types include DataSet, DatasetIdentifier, DatasetReference, ImageDatasetReference, MicroscopyImageReference, PlateImageReference, FeatureVectorDatasetReference and FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference. Full DataSet objects are returned by list_datasets(), either for a set of plate samples, experiments or data set codes (passed as character vector). list_dataset_ids() gives back DatasetIdentifier objects, either for a set of DataSet objects or data set codes (again passed as character vector). The remaining data set types are generated by list_references(), and return type depends on input arguments.

Whenever list_references() is dispatched on objects identifying a plate sample (Plate, PlateIdentifier, PlateMetadata or Sample), a type argument is available, which can be any of raw, segmentation or feature. Depending on type, ImageDatasetReference or FeatureVectorDatasetReference objects are returned. The former type of objects represent plate-wise image data sets (either for raw images or segmentation masks) while the latter type references feature vector data sets.

Dispatch of list_references() is also possible on objects identifying data sets and again the return type depends on further arguments. If imaging channels are specified as channels argument, but not specific wells are selected, MicroscopyImageReference objects are retrieved, representing a plate-wide raw imaging data set per imaging site and imaging channel. If in addition to imaging channels, wells are specified (WellPosition objects, e.g. created by well_pos(), passed as wells argument), the return type changes to PlateImageReference. Such objects precisely reference an image, by encoding imaging channel, imaging site, well position and pate-wise imaging data set.

Finally, list_references() can be dispatched on material objects, including MaterialGeneric, MaterialScreening, MaterialIdentifierGeneric and MaterialIdentifierScreening, in which case PlateWellReferenceWithDatasets objects are returned. While themselves not representing data sets, PlateWellReferenceWithDatasets contain all respective ImageDatasetReference and FeatureVectorDatasetReference objects.

Search for objects

Instead of enumerating objects using the various list_*() functions, search queries can be constructed and run against openBIS. A search query consists of a possibly nested SearchCriteria object as instantiated by search_criteria() and is executed by calling search_openbis(). SearchCriteria objects are composed of a set of match clauses (see property_clause(), any_property_clause(), any_field_clause(), attribute_clause() and time_attribute_clause()) which are combined by an operator (either any or all).

Additionally, a single SearchSubCriteria may be attached to every SearchCriteria object which in turn consists of a SearchCriteria and an object type to which this search criteria object is applied to. In the call to search_openbis() a target type has to be specified as target_object argument (default is data_set and possible alternatives are experiment, material as well as sample) to indicate what object type the search is targeted at.

Downloading data

As mentioned earlier, there are three types of data resources that can be downloaded: files, images and feature vector data. File access is the most basic method and any type of data (including images and feature data) is available via this route. Accessing images and feature data using specialized interfaces however simplifies and makes possibly more specific data access.

Files can be listed for any object representing a data set as well as for a character vector of data set codes using list_files(). An object type, specialized for referencing files in a data set is available as DataSetFileDTO can also be passed to list_files(). This is useful whenever only a subset of files within a data set, contained in a folder, are of interest. In any case, list_files() returns a set of FileInfoDssDTO objects. As no data set information is encoded in FileInfoDssDTO objects, list_files() saves data set codes as data_set attributes with each object. Download of files is done using fetch_files(), which requires for every requested file, the data set code and file path. This information can be passed as separate character vectors, DataSetFileDTO objects or FileInfoDssDTO objects with data set information passed separately as character vector or as data_set attribute with each object. Furthermore data set membership information can be passed as any type of data set object and if no file paths are specified, all available files for the given data sets are retrieved.

fetch_files() internally creates download urls by calling list_download_urls() and uses do_requests_serial() or do_requests_parallel() to execute the downloads. Whether downloads are performed in serial or parallel fashion can be controlled using the n_con argument. Additionally a function may be passed to fetch_files() as reader argument which will be called on each downloaded file.

Images are retrieved using fetch_images(). If dispatch occurs on general purpose data set objects, including DatasetIdentifier, DatasetReference or ImageDatasetReference, further arguments for identifying images are passed as channels and well_positions. As MicroscopyImageReference objects already contain channel information, only well positions are needed in order to specify images. Somewhat surprisingly, image tile information which is also part of MicroscopyImageReference objects is disregarded and images are fetched for entire wells. Data sets that are connected to wells and not plates can be passed to fetch_images() without additionally specifying well locations. Images can be scaled down to smaller sizes either by setting the thumbnails argument to TRUE (only possible for data sets connected to wells instead of plates, as the corresponding API call does not support selecting wells) or by passing an ImageSize object as image_size argument, in which case returned images will be scaled to fit within the box specified by the ImageSize object, while retaining the original aspect ratio.

PlateImageReference objects most precisely reference images, as they contain data set, well location, site location and channel information. If a set of PlateImageReference objects is passed to fetch_images(), image size can be set using the thumbnails or image_size arguments and image file type can be forced to png using the force_png switch. Most fine-grained control over the returned images is achieved by using ImageRepresentationFormat objects. Pre-defined format objects can be retrieved per data set by calling list_image_metadata() with type set to format. General image meta data, such as tile layout and channel information is returned by list_image_metadata() if the type argument is left at default value metadata.

Two types of objects are central to specifying feature data sets: FeatureVectorDatasetReference and FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference where the former object type references feature data for an entire plate and the latter for individual wells on a plate. Both object types may be passed to fetch_features() which returns objects of type FeatureVectorDataset whenever a full plate is requested and FeatureVectorWithDescription for individual wells. Features are selected by passing a character vector of feature codes as feature_codes argument, the possible values of which can be enumerated for a feature vector data set by calling list_feature_codes() or by extracting the code entries from FeatureInformation objects as retrieved by list_features(). In case the feature_codes argument is left at default value (NA), all available features are returned by fetch_features().